Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Importance of Self Talk

All dears far and near this one is important for everyone, so read closely.

To have a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul you must Talk Healthy to yourself, yes! to your own self. Self Talk is that inner voice we do not put ear to and we do not realize it either its going to empower us or demean us. 

Self-talk can have a great impact on our confidence. The effect can be good or bad, depending on whether our self-talk is positive or negative. There are a few ways we can develop better self-talk, starting with just listening to what we routinely say to our self. It’s worth the effort to practice talking positively to our self, because the result will be that we’ll feel better and our self-esteem will improve.

We often don’t even realize that this running commentary have a big influence on how we feel about who we are.It might not seem like much, but self-talk is a huge part of our self-esteem and confidence. By working on replacing negative self-talk with more positive self-talk, we are more likely to feel in control of stuff that’s going on in our life and to achieve our goals.

Anything at all going around us impacts us, and the only true picture of the external elements are projected to us through our self talk, either we want it to effect us or grow us choice is our's. Whatever the issue, challenge, problem or obstacle is tell yourself YOU ARE BIGGER THAN THIS, THE SOLUTION IS RIGHT THERE AND YOU WILL DIG IT OUT... AND RISE ABOVE IT the world is enough to make you feel down or shattered or giving you the feel of falling apart... But!! DO NOT fall victim to your own self. You are your own HERO 😉😃 LOVE YOURSELF!! 💖

Importance of Self Talk

All dears far and near this one is important for everyone, so read closely. To have a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul you must Talk Healt...