Monday, September 18, 2017

a brand new YOU

Life is a Roller coaster it drives you high and low. Giving you crazy laughs and pauses to wait for next heart pounding experience 😊; which can be either good or bad. But WAIT!! There is something always to learn from. 
No matter what you are going through 
     NEVER FALL BACK. Keep Moving ⟹ K E E P ⟹ M O V I N G ⇒ F O R W A R D 
This is how the change will happen this is how you will grow. Going on, Changing, Evolving is the Universal Law and it has its beauty in it. Never get scared of failure, Failure is not end of anything it makes us resilient, teaches us perseverance and helps us dig out our strengths.
Try your own limits by doing something you tell yourself you can not do.
Stretch your brain muscles by challenging yourself. Make small targets, achieve them daily its your own victory embrace it and set the new goal. Fuel yourself with new tasks new ideas and see how you can make it possible. Self Doubt, Fear, Insecurities are never going to help you. 
Let go of the grudges, negativity, expectations, this will only consume your energy leaving you more helpless fade and dull. 
Stop trying to make people happy. Neither you nor the other will ever be pleased. Focus on your Goodness, Well Being, Growth. Right things will fall in place and rest will settle. 
remember the path:
1. Focus
2. Plan
3. Determination 
4. Hardwork
take these steps to achieve your dreams and goals. Its your daily commitment with a brand new   YOU 💖.
Welcome each day with open arms give a flying kiss to the rising sun 😗 and start your day with Gratitude to Divine. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. rabeeya I was waiting for you love you sweetheart for the encouragement means alot :)

  2. Indeed it always needs a courage to go beyond one's strength only then a person can know it's real strength and we always misjudge ourselves...
    A very impressive article and yes brightens up the inner light

    1. yes indeed we misjudge our self well said Umm Asjad.
      The purpose is to give spark to every individual to brighten up their inner self to BELIEVE IN ONES OWN SELF

  3. Hey aimen I'm happy u wrote this.this blog represents almost every single being in this world.negativity sure does suck the last drop of energy u have.i loved ur energy.ur motivation and the way u convince in your words.its amazing how u put the beauty of your mind in this blog.loved seeing it.keep up the good work and spread ur positive energy for others too.

    1. thankyou so much shireen for your appreciation the sole purpose is to spread brightness faith positivity and awake the core to live life to our fullest because Life is a precious gift


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